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Our network-compatible IP relays offer you maximum control over your IT, AV and electrical infrastructure. These compact, DIN rail-mountable remote monitoring systems combine a variety of functions for monitoring and controlling that are specially designed for professional use. Despite their small size, they offer comprehensive functionality – with minimal power consumption.
Thanks to their flexible application possibilities, the IP relays are ideal for securing, optimizing and expanding existing AV, IT and electrical infrastructures. They are intuitive to use and reliable to monitor, while also being remotely controllable.
GUDE’s LAN relays are easy to mount on DIN rails and impress with their smart technology. They feature switchable relay outputs, signal inputs and sensor ports, offering a wide range of applications in a variety of monitoring scenarios.
Your advantages at a glance:
Take full control of your installation with GUDE IP relays – your smart and flexible solution for modern monitoring requirements.
IP relay control with 3 channels and energy metering
IP relay control: Expert Net Control 2302-1
IP relay control with 8 channels and 8 signal inputs
A network-compatible IP relay can sustainably reduce energy costs. This is possible, for example, by allowing devices to be switched on and off automatically. Through scheduling and remote access, energy can be saved by switching off devices that are no longer needed. Servers and network devices can then be switched back on when the user needs them.
Devices can be switched off when an alarm message is sent by email. This enables the user to switch off IP relays before dangerous situations arise. Physical hazards such as fire caused by cable fires can thus be preventively avoided.
The connected devices can be monitored thanks to an IP relay, in order to keep an eye on the correct voltage and current. This allows deviations to be detected and monitored.
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