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IP Relays

IP Relays: Early detection of critical states in any IT system

IT racks are the heart of every modern IT infrastructure in companies. In addition to servers, they contain storage systems, network components and important devices that are essential for ensuring that business processes run smoothly. The security and reliability of the IT racks have the highest priority, so regular monitoring is essential. Rack monitoring from GUDE recognises critical conditions and thus prevents damage or failures.

Areas of application for rack monitoring

Rack monitoring is used in company server rooms or in the data centres of large institutions. In AV systems, such as conference and event rooms or studios, they also ensure increased security.

Monitoring, control and data acquisition with rack monitoring

Remote I/O and remote control technology are the key components for ensuring rack monitoring. Remote I/O enables the monitoring and control of sensors and switching contacts in your IT rack via a network connection. The telecontrol technology collects data from the connected remote I/O devices, which can then be analysed.

The advantages of GUDE IP relays at a glance

  • Early detection of critical conditions
  • Measurement of temperature and humidity
  • Monitoring from anywhere
  • Simple integration of your IT infrastructure
  • Security through remote I/O and remote control

With remote I/O and remote control technology from GUDE, you can ensure that your IT infrastructure is monitored and protected at all times. Take advantage of our advanced technologies to avoid downtime and maximise the efficiency of your IT systems.

Environmental Monitoring

It is obvious that failures and interruptions in business-critical systems can lead to cost explosions. And yet many users are unaware of the physical risks and dangers lurking in every IT environment:

❌ Severe overheating
❌ Extreme humidity
❌ Defective air conditioning and cooling systems
❌ Vandalism and unauthorized access
❌ Fire caused by smoldering fires or combustion gases
❌ Sudden flooding events.

Counter these hazards with reliable and permanent environmental monitoring. Learn more under Environmental Monitoring.

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