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Our network-enabled IP relays give you full control over your IT, AV, and electrical infrastructure – directly via remote management over your IP network. These compact DIN rail relays combine monitoring and control functions, making them ideal for professional IT infrastructure applications. Additionally, their low power consumption ensures high energy efficiency.
Our remote monitoring systems help secure, optimise, and expand existing AV, IT, and electrical infrastructures. They are intuitive to operate, reliably monitor systems, and can be conveniently controlled remotely.
The network relays are easily mounted on a DIN rail and are ready to use immediately. With switchable relay outputs, signal inputs, and sensor ports, they provide flexible functionality for a wide range of monitoring scenarios.
IP relay control with 3 channels and energy metering
IP relay control: Expert Net Control 2302-1
IP relay control with 8 channels and 8 signal inputs
‘Thanks to GUDE's IP relays, unexpected faults are a thing of the past. The reliable remote control systems enable efficient control of our infrastructure and reduce service calls to a minimum.’
Oliver Hilscher
Head of IT, City of Monheim, Germany
A network-enabled IP relay allows you to switch devices on and off – either automatically or via remote access. Thanks to scheduling and smart remote management, energy consumption can be reduced by automatically switching off unnecessary devices. Servers and network equipment can be reactivated only when needed – ensuring both efficiency and sustainability.
If fire risks due to cable overload increase, connected devices can be switched off via the IP relay over the network. If an alarm notification is sent via email, the power supply can be interrupted immediately to prevent damage. This enhances operational safety and helps mitigate physical hazards such as short circuits or electrical fires.
An IP relay with monitoring functionality continuously tracks the voltage and current levels of connected devices. Any deviations are detected in real time, allowing for the early prevention of overloads or failures. This not only improves operational safety but also protects connected systems from damage.
The trend towards green and sustainable electricity is growing more and more. At the same time, you can also save massively on electricity costs. That’s why the focus is on: Increased energy efficiency and self-consumption optimization for your solar installation.
Industry 4.0 – Secure your smart industrial environment with us
Reducing power consumption and keeping the carbon footprint to a minimum is one of the biggest challenges of Green AV media technology and infrastructure.
+49 221 985 925 0