Realise Green AV with these products
Thanks to sustainable and eco-friendly AV media technology, you can not only save electricity, but also a lot of money. Appliances that are not required can be switched off to almost completely avoid unnecessary standby consumption.
This applies not only to companies that supply their conference, meeting or office rooms with energy on a daily base, but also to lecture halls and classrooms, digital signage, home cinema and cinema operations as well as AV technology on yachts or in the broadcast segment. Energy can be saved and 24/7 operation avoided in all these areas with sustainable AV media technology.
High-quality switchable PDUs (Power Distribution Units) from GUDE Systems keep an eye on consumption and can switch off proactively when devices are no longer needed. This is a direct contribution to Green AV. GUDE itself contributes to regionality, “Made in Germany” and sustainability through its production site in Cologne and short delivery routes.