Capacity Planning & Capacity Management in IT

There are numerous examples from the past of poor capacity planning of the IT infrastructure that has been the undoing of various companies. Often with the same result: an IT failure and associated high costs.

However, if you plan capacities optimally in advance and use the right equipment, you can not only prevent this fate, but proactively counteract it. Because by using intelligent power distribution strips, capacity bottlenecks can be promptly eliminated by connecting additional servers. Another advantage of structured capacity management is that energy costs can be effectively reduced by more quickly identifying servers that are consuming too much power and are underutilized.

For underutilized servers, power consumption does not increase linearly with utilization. For example, the consumption of a server with 2 HU (height units) results in:

  • Utilization: 20% >> Consumption: 160 W
  • Utilization: 100% >> Consumption: 280 W

In this concrete example, the server performance can be ramped up by 80% and your power consumption will only increase by 43% (source: TU Berlin, FG IKM (2012) according to SPEC server data from 2008-2011). For data center operators and IT managers, this conclusively means that energy costs decrease in percentage terms with higher utilization. Furthermore, consumer-based billing is extremely important, especially for colocation data centers.

A reliable solution in careful capacity planning is the use of smart power distribution units (PDUs for short). Especially in IT environments such as data centers and server racks, these can unleash their full potential.

Reliable solutions for optimized capacity planning

Fast and convenient integration through our technology partners

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This is why capacity planning of the IT infrastructure is so important

IT failures mean one thing above all: high costs! With every hour that passes that your systems, servers and data centers cannot run, it becomes more expensive for your company. Capacity planning of your IT infrastructure helps you to better handle heavy workloads, avoid future outages and thus save a lot of money that you can invest wisely elsewhere.

In addition, we know from many customers that they can use internal resources such as the IT equipment deployed and also personnel in a much more targeted manner thanks to capacity management. As a result, their entire operation can operate more flexibly and reliably. The aim of capacity planning is to identify so-called ghost servers and track down underutilized servers. This enables you to save unnecessary costs before they are incurred.

In general, we observe that many companies that prioritize capacity planning are better and more secure in the long run. Especially since the solutions for better capacity management address several problems at the same time.

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This is what targeted capacity planning does in the data center

Especially in data centers and server environments, careful capacity planning plays an extremely important role. Sensible capacity planning is part of every Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM) of a medium-sized and larger company. By far the most important benefits of capacity planning in data centers are:

  1. Lower energy costs
    With the immense demand for energy and rising costs, underutilized capacity only unnecessarily increases operating costs and the company’s environmental footprint.
  2. Reduced maintenance costs
    High maintenance costs are avoided if only the equipment that is subsequently needed is installed.
  3. Avoidance of unused capacities
    Only in very rare cases are data centers actually fully utilized. With the right planning, there is no need to support excess capacity later on at great expense.

We know from our customer projects that companies that do not deal with capacity planning in their data center, server room and server rack in good time will face problems in the long term. It is therefore all the more important to meet these challenges with the appropriate IP power solutions.

Solutions for Capacity Planning Problems

Of course, there are suitable solutions for problems in IT capacity planning. With GUDE Systems’ PDUs, you can optimally plan and manage the capacity of your IT environments. The intelligent power distribution units ensure that you no longer have to worry about outages in your IT infrastructure management. At the same time, thanks to the various interfaces, the PDUs allow you to manage your servers more flexibly and improve capacity planning in the process.

By the way, our PDUs also help to reduce your electricity costs in the long term. In times when Green IT and sustainability are gaining more and more importance, you not only have an enormous economic advantage, but you also make an important contribution to a better climate.

Solve problems in your capacity planning with the following power solutions

Contact us if you want to optimize your capacity planning