Edge Computing

According to a Gartner study, edge computing will have already overtaken data processing in traditional data centers in the next few years: In 2025, 75% of the world’s enterprise data will be processed in edge data centers.

Edge computing means “computing at the edge”. This means that data is processed at the edge, i.e. at decentralized locations outside a large data center. In this process, the data is processed as close as possible to its point of origin. Accordingly, edge data centers are data centers that are set up in a decentralized manner near where the data originates and form a distributed IT infrastructure. Depending on their size, these are also referred to as micro data centers. Such micro data centers often consist of only 1 to 4 server racks.

Discover solutions for your edge computing

Fix Edge Computing problems early

In edge computing, fast and secure remote access is mission critical: After all, in distributed installations, it is necessary to maintain control over the running systems in order to be able to intervene promptly and proactively in the event of a fault.

With switched and metered IP power strips, this challenge can be mastered with manageable effort. This is because they are able to detect irregularities in the installation, such as occurring fault currents, at an early stage and inform the user about them. Problematic devices in the installation can be restarted through targeted switching operations, either by remote access or automated by a so-called self-healing function. The availability of micro data centers can thus be effectively increased, while costly service calls are avoided.

4 key trends why edge computing is becoming increasingly important

  1. Moving the cloud to the edge of infrastructures
  2. Avoiding communication and storage costs
  3. Digital transformation and AI
  4. IT and operational technology (OT) converge

Reliable and intelligent IP power strips for your decentralized IT infrastructures

We support you in your edge computing project