High Inrush Relais

Transformers, computer switching power supplies, electric motors and incandescent lamps typically have a high inrush current. This can be more than 10 times the operating current. The duration of the increased inrush current can be a few milliseconds, depending on the type of electrical load.

A commercially available computer power supply with 450 W output power can already cause a peak inrush current of more than 30 A. This can cause permanent welding of the relay contacts in many relays with unsuitable contact materials, which can then no longer be switched off. Such relays are typically used in low-cost electrical equipment. GUDE uses so-called High-Inrush relays in all devices that switch 230 V. These relays can withstand the 16 A continuous current. In addition to the 16 A continuous current, these can withstand short-term inrush peaks of 80 A.

High-Inrush-Relais in a switched PDU of GUDE Systems

Benefits of High Inrush Relais
  • No sticking of the relay contacts
  • High reliability during switching operations
  • No downtime during operation
  • Avoidance of high maintenance costs
  • Tolerance to inrush current peaks:
    – max. 4 sec: 30 A
    – max. 20 ms: 80 A

In GUDE’s product range, the relays with high dielectric strength are installed in the following devices:

  1. Switched Power Distribution Units
  2. Remote Monitoring Systems

This includes all products of the Expert Power Control and Expert Net Control family.


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