super yacht boot marine


In the marine sector, fail-safety and robust control technology are essential. With the right IP power strips, AV technology can be effectively protected in yachts.

The marine environment deals with media technology on ships, such as yachts and large vessels. A yacht without a high-quality entertainment system? Hardly imaginable. Many owners even follow the motto: the more entertainment on board, the better. This turns a yacht into an exclusive luxury home on the water. So that you can watch your favorite movie, series or sport there without any problems, it is essential that the interaction of the IT and AV equipment works perfectly. ETOs (Electrical Technical Officers) have recognized that this can only be achieved by integrating the highest-quality components.

Perfect and high quality solutions for your yacht 

yacht entertainment system marine gude systems

Solve real problems with reliable power and monitoring solutions 

  • Frustrating experiences watching your favorite sport, show or movie on TV
  • Power problems that damage your entertainment system
  • Long and costly outages
  • Generator surges when switching from shore to ship power

Current challenges and trends in the AV industry

  • Complete networking of AV equipment from cabin to cabin via the server room
  • Holistic AV service concepts to troubleshoot remotely faster and more effectively
  • Simple proactive monitoring of AV and IT devices

Reliable and high quality power management solutions for your marine applications

Advice required? We are looking forward to your call.