Communications Technology

In the field of communications technology, reliable power distribution units ensure latency-free transmission and secure broadcast monitoring.


Broadcast deals with all topics related to television and radio technology. The most important areas for AV technology are:

  1. Communications engineering
  2. Sound technology
  3. Video technology

Broadcasting passes through two stages, namely production and transmission. Production deals with the recording of image and sound of the corresponding content to be transmitted. Production is followed by transmission. The transmission starts from the broadcasting center (studio) or, in the case of outside shoots, via an OB van to the distribution centers of the cable operators. Then the signal is forwarded to the television towers and to the satellites. There are different signals that are broadcast or received in different television standards, depending on the country. In Germany, this is DVB-S or DVB-T. There are private and public broadcasting stations.

Smart solutions for your broadcasting infrastructure

Specific problems that will be fixed

  • Non-functioning storage and broadcast technology
  • Frustrated TV viewers or radio listeners who can no longer watch or listen to the program
  • Excessive power consumption due to AV equipment running around the clock
  • Long wait times and runs to fix the non-functioning broadcast room
  • Problems on the part of the power supply and the overvoltage that occurs

Current challenges and trends in the broadcast industry

  • Latency-free transmission
  • Remote Production
  • Holistic broadcast monitoring
  • LED video walls
  • AV service concepts for efficient maintenance and servicing of broadcast technology



High-quality PDUs for secure broadcast operation

We support your communications technology